Browser Extension

Don’t waste your time searching for Coupons, Deals, and Cashback, Now CouponzMall’s Browser Extension will do it for you on any browser like Chrome, Firefox, Edge, and Opera.

Capabilities Of Our Browser Extension

1: Notify OUR Users

With the Browser Extension, we will proactively alert our users whenever they do shopping online. This way our users will never miss an offer.

Browser Extension - Offer Notification

2: Coupons & Deals

Browser Extension - Coupons & Deals

All Coupons & Deals will be visible right in our user’s browser. This also eliminates the possibility of our users visiting competitor coupon websites.

3: Cashback

Users can activate cashback right from the Browser Extension. The more you shop, the more you earn cashback.

Browser Extension - Cashback Activation

4: Price Comparison

Browser Extension - Price Alerts

the browser extension can even alert our visitors about better prices in other stores. Even if the price is the same, a comparison notification may persuade visitors to buy from stores with higher cashback or simply a better reputation.